Trustee & Co-founder / Chairman
Hi i'm John Roche, co founder and presently Chairman of NLPD. I have a construction management background and i use the experiences from my past to help steer the fabulous and dedicated Committee to make informed decisions for the group and its future . Special people doing remarkable things for our Parkinsons community.

TRACY ROCHE - Trustee & Treasurer
My name is Tracy Roche. I am a trustee and treasurer for Northern Lights Parkinson’s support group.
The group provides a lot of help and support for our community not only for Parkinson’s sufferers but for partners, carers and families also.

Trustee & Football Committee
Hi. My name is Christine Mcindoe. Married to Keith who has been diagnosed with Parkinsons 11 years ago at the age of 34. We have been thru Deep Brain stimulation and had a journey of ups and downs since Diagnosis. Since joining NLPD are lives have changed for the better, getting the support and making a new Parkinsons Family on this Journey.

Keith McIndoe
Trustee & Website manager
My name is Keith McIndoe & I have been a part of NLPD since 2019. Since then, I have watched it grow into a fabulous support community for people with Parkinson's. We are there for each other and help with the highs & lows that this adventure has given us. I am a member of the walking football & the crown green bowls committee & I maintain the website. I also help to run the football buster.

My name is June Houghton - Trustee of NLPD & wife of Rod. The NLPD communities love and support have given me the husband I married nearly 50 yrs ago back. Our NLPD group supports the whole family, sharing experiences and support across all ages and gender.

Trustee & Ambassador
I am Rod Houghton a Trustee of NLPD. I was diagnosed 19 years ago. The NLPD community has given me the support & confidence to continue doing the things I enjoyed prior to diagnosis.

I am Annie Booth, Trustee for NLPD, walking footballer and rogue Mancunian. NLPD is a safe haven for people with Parkinson's and their supporters - to share their experiences with the condition, through good times and bad. We are a community who celebrate a hopeful life with PD together - we unconditionally support each other, and we laugh...a lot

My name is Norman Stead & I am on the NLPD committee and the Football committee. I have had Parkinson's for 14 years, I joined NLPD two years ago it was the best thing I ever done, I have made a lot of friends and found I can do things that I never thought I would be able to due to my Parkinson's, but Parkies will not get me down.

My name is Mary Stead & I am a member of NLPD committee and been a member of this fantastic club for over two years. My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 14 yrs ago and the change I have seen in him since joining NLPD is amazing, as a committee member if there is anything I can assist you with no matter how small please get in touch.

My name is Leigh Breton,I was diagnosed three years ago. I had never met anyone with Parkinson's and for the first year I felt very alone. Since coming and joining the NLPD family I have been able to talk to people who are facing this disease with such positivity. I joined the committee earlier this year and hope to encourage more ladies with PD to join NLPD and benefit from the support we offer. I am still working but hope in the future to be more involved with activities the group offers

My name is Chris Lambert and I have recently become a member of the NLPD committee. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 13 years ago. I can honestly say becoming a member of the NLPD community or family really changed my life for the better and I’m grateful for everything they have done for me and for showing me that I have Parkinson’s but it doesn’t have me