Northern Lights are proud to be associated with some tremendously supportive groups & charities, who help us with our events with sponsorship and support. We'd like to thank these people for all that they do to help Northern Lights and our Parkinson's community.
Sport Parkinson's are a UK based charity who help people with PD to stay active through exercise & sport. Activities include Walking Football & golf amongst others. Sport Parkinson's is the main sponsor for this years
Ray Kennedy Cup & Shield, an internationally renowned competition taking part in Liverpool for the first time. Click on the logo to visit their website.
Vital Energi are an innovative company who have been leading the way for over 30 years by implementing the latest technologies for their customers. Their agile approach, experience & ability allows them to design flexible, resilient & future proofed energy schemes across cities in the UK. NLPD are proud to be sponsored by a great local company & lpok forward to many more years of friendship.
Everton in the Community put on a Parkinson's walking football session on a Monday afternoon which was launched in association with Northern Lights. They also offer support with mental health workshops & access to community facilities.